Honoring NET Trans: Celebrating Transit Driver Appreciation Day

Today, as the sun rises over the rolling hills of Northeast Tennessee, we pause to celebrate Transit Driver Appreciation Day. At First Tennessee Human Resource Agency (FTHRA), we extend our deepest gratitude to the unsung heroes who navigate our roads day in and day out, connecting communities and hearts across eight counties.


Our drivers at NET Trans embody the spirit of service and commitment. Behind the wheel, they are more than just drivers; they are companions, caretakers, and confidants to those they transport. Their journey begins long before they hit the road, meticulously inspecting their vehicles to ensure safety and reliability. They attend safety drills and conferences, always striving to improve their skills and uphold the highest standards of service.


But their impact extends far beyond the miles they drive. With each interaction, they brighten the day for their passengers, offering a smile, a friendly conversation, or a helping hand. They forge bonds with the communities they serve, becoming integral members of the fabric of Northeast Tennessee.


Today, and every day, we honor our drivers for their dedication, their hard work, and their unwavering commitment to safety. They are the backbone of NET Trans, connecting our region and making our vast expanse of land feel a little smaller, a little more connected.


So, as you board a NET Trans vehicle today, take a moment to thank your driver. Behind the wheel is a hero, quietly and selflessly serving our community, one mile at a time. Thank you, NET Trans drivers, for all that you do.

Resource Information:

  • NET Trans

    • Website: www.NetTrans.org

    • Social Media: Facebook 

    • Phone: 423-461-8233